Saturday, 17 November 2007

New publication from Dye Hard Press: Full Circle by Kobus Moolman

Full Circle

a play

by Kobus Moolman

ISBN: 978-0-620-39270-9

The year is 1994. Seven years before, Meisie and Boetie's father was killed when his car was hijacked. Meisie was with her father in the car but, being blind, she did not see the hijacker's face. However, she never forgot the voice that laughed as her father was shot.

Meisie and Boetie now live with their uncle on a farm in the former northern Transvaal. With other Afrikaner extremists, they plan to bring about the downfall of the new government.

One day, though, a black police inspector arrives at the farm and to Meisie his voice is strangely familiar...
Full Circle is a hard-hitting drama about power, identity and transition. The play combines elements of the thriller and of film noir in an iconoclastic display of ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalism.

It premiered at the Grahamstown Arts Festival in 2005, and was performed at the Market Theatre, Johannesburg and the Oval House Theatre in London in 2006.

“A work of luminous beauty . . . a topographical map of pain, revenge and justice working through, despite human intention.” – Robert Greig, The Sunday Independent

“A gripping, perceptive and totally absorbing play.” – Margaret von Klemperer, The Witness

Full Circle is available from bookstores countrywide at an estimated retail price of R125 per copy. If ordered directly from the publisher, the price is R80 per copy, including postage. E-mail for order details.

Kobus Moolman teaches creative writing at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He is the author of four collections of poetry; his most recent being Separating the Seas, published by University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. He is also the author of Blind Voices, a collection of radio plays recently published by Botsotso Publishing.

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