Thursday, 29 June 2023

Aiyo! copies beginning to run low


A total of 86 of this limited, numbered edition of 100 copies of Pravasan Pillay's Aiyo! have now been sold! So if you want a copy, you had better hurry up!

Copies are for sale at Made in Durban and are also in stock at Clarke's Bookstore in Cape Town.

Aiyo! at the Durban International Book Fair


Visit the Durban International Book Fair in August - Pravasan Pillay's Aiyo! will be on sale there, and who knows -- the latest reprint of Chatsworth might be on sale there too!

Friday, 23 June 2023

Thursday, 22 June 2023

In the company of Egyptian surrealists

 In Cairo, December 2012, with Ghadah Kamal Ahmed and Mohsen El Belasy of the Egyptian and North African Surrealist Group.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Chatsworth due for a reprint!

Pravasan Pillay's much-acclaimed debut collection of short stories, Chatsworth, first published in 2018, is due to be reprinted ... again!

Watch this space!

Monday, 12 June 2023

Aiyo! in The Post


A nice wee article and chat with Pravasan Pillay about his latest title Aiyo!, in Durban newspaper The Post.

You can buy Aiyo! through Made in Durban at or directly from the publisher at

And if you are in Cape Town, copies will soon be available at Clarke's in Long Street!

Wednesday, 07 June 2023

Awkward continents remain intact by Paul Warren


A montage by British artist Paul Warren, with the title taken from my poem 'Slam', published in my collection Reigning Gloves, published by Dye Hard Press in 2000.

Thursday, 01 June 2023

Aiyo! in Pretoria!


Dawie Malan in Pretoria has received and read his copy of Aiyo! by Pravasan Pillay. 'Poor Vinod', Dawie says. Why 'poor Vinod'? Why don't you buy Aiyo! and find out!

You can buy Aiyo! from Made in Durban, or directly from the publisher - R90 plus R100 for courier (South Africa only). You can email the publisher at

And if you are in Cape Town, Clarke's in Long Street will soon have copies in stock!