Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Fish supper - a poem from Outside the cave: selected poems by Gary Cummiskey

Outside the cave: selected poems by Gary Cummiskey is published by Dye Hard Press. Email to order.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

'Come as you are' in The Odd Magazine

Read Gary Cummiskey's prose poem 'Come as you are' in the latest issue of the Kolkata-based Odd Magazine, here.

The latest issue of The Odd Magazine is out!

The latest issue of the Kolkata-based Odd Magazine, Oddity 22, is out now! The issue contains obituaries for Hungryalist poet Pradip Choudhuri and and artist and poet Stephen Poleskie, was well poetry and prose by Howie Good, Doug Mathewson, Kevin M Hibshman, Noshakare Collins, Louella Leste, Meg Pokrass, Jeff Friedman, Rus Khutoff and Gary Cummiskey, as well as art by Portuguese Dadaist artist Pere Sousa and Kevin M Marlon McClean.

Check it out here.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

As the mad awaken/ Industrial debris


As the mad awaken/Industrial debris, a painting by British artist Paul Warren, inspired by my chapbook In Naked Field, published by Concrete Meat Press, Leicester, England.

Monday, 09 August 2021

Recently published: The cactus of a bright sky by Alan Finlay


Recently published by Dye Hard Press, Alan Finlay's The cactus of a bright sky is a chapbook of seven poems. 16 pages.

Limited to 50 numbered copies.
Cost if R160, including courier, for domestic South African orders.
Please email to order.

Sunday, 08 August 2021

Outside the cave: selected poems by Gary Cummiskey

Outside the cave is a selection of Gary Cummiskey's poems from 1990 to 2019, chosen and introduced by Kobus Moolman.

164 pages.
ISBN 978-0-9869982-8-7
Outside the cave will be available from select bookstores. If you order directly from the publisher, the cost will be R280, including courier to your door.
I need to make a plan for overseas orders. The reliability of the South African Post Office is at an all-time low, worsened by delays due to Covid. For example, some Dye Hard Press books mailed to England and France last October have still not arrived. But keep watching this space!
In the meantime, for domestic orders, please send an email to

Chatsworth by Pravasan Pillay

Just a reminder that Pravasan Pillay's excellent short story collection, Chatsworth, is still available for sale online at Made in Chatsworth.