the debt to raymond carver is obvious, nonetheless gary cummiskey forges territory that is all his own in this collection that, bejewelled as it is with his astringent surrealist prose, might well be described as a “gem” were it not for the final story, entitled “space”, that lends the collection a certain brownish pucker. this dark opening of a story is the book’s highlight, brilliantly chosen to end at the bottom so to speak. south african literary fiction has thirsted for a well-written poepgat, but now, having grown curious about gary cummiskey’s anus, our earlier revulsion withdraws into the background as the goal of penetrating and exploring the taboo of unknown darkness becomes foremost in our minds. the poepgat is central in understanding our collective national psyche here in africa south south (ass), where all who, after marikana, still believe in the rainbow mythology are well and truly assholes. bravo!
first published here
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Interview with Gary Cummiskey on Ppigpenn
Age? 50.
Location? Johannesburg, South Africa.
How long have you been writing? I wrote my first
short story, about Mary, Queen of Scots, when I was 11. I wrote my first poem,
influenced by Fleetwood Mac’s Albatross, aged 14 – it was about a dying
albatross. I have been writing ever since.
Read more here
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Kobus Moolman's Left Over reviewed by Sheila Black
Left Over (Dye Hard Press, 2013) by Kobus Moolman is the kind of book that takes you by the scruff of the neck and shakes you. These are poems to wake you up. Well-known in his native South Africa, Kobus Moolman deserves to be better known and better read here. Lyric, vigilant, hyper-alert to the surfaces, textures and sensations of the physical world, the poems in Moolman's sixth collection are beautiful and dangerous, a meditation on the fraught and even perilous relationship of mind and body...Read more here
Saturday, 07 December 2013
Friday, 06 December 2013
Thursday, 05 December 2013
William Burroughs/ Local Stop on the Nova Express
Published by Inkblot Publications, Rhode Island, USA.
Contact Aftermath Books at for more information.